First step

Register your information

To use the facilities, it is very important that you know the operation of the room, the regulations and responsibilities. You can register at reception or online at the following link (Read the document carefully and you will be ready to start climbing).

What to do

If you come with children

All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. La Bauma is a family leisure space, but also a training center, so it is very important that parents or companions ensure compliance with the regulations, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of everyone. You must also register the data of all children who want to climb through the following link:


what should you wear

Comfortable clothes and a desire to learn and have fun. If you do not have material, do not worry, you can rent it at reception. To climb it is essential to use “climbing shoes”, and if you want to gain height and use self-insurers you will also need a talabard or approved safety harness. The price of the rental material is € 2 / piece.


Do you still have doubts?

Don’t worry, there’s always a first day for everything. We are passionate about our work and it will be a pleasure for us to solve any questions you may have. We leave you a collection of common questions that new users usually ask us, you can reach them through the following link:

Frequently asked questions


Is there a course to get started or can I start on my own? + -

The room is designed for intuitive use. You will find a wide variety of routes/paths marked with colored shots, it is as easy as trying to complete them. If it is your first day, it is not essential to take any course, our reception staff will explain how everything works.
If it is not clear to you and you want us to accompany you on your first experience, you can sign up for one of our “Baptism of Climbing” initiation courses. With this course, we will guide you through the different areas of the climbing wall and teach you the basic movement technique so that you can have autonomy and safety on future visits. Do you want to reserve?

Liquid or powder magnesium? + -

In the Bauma, only Liquid Mg (Zona Bloque y Autos) is allowed. The use of powdered Mg (preferably with a ball) is restricted to ropeways. Why Liquid Mg? The main benefit is related to the drastic decrease in the amount of magnesium in suspension found in the rooms. Hygienic for the maintenance of the room and a gift for everyone's lungs! (and above all because of the La Bauma team that we spent many hours in it). How does liquid Mg work? It is basically a solution of powdered Mg with alcohol. Remember: We apply, spread, let dry and play!

Can I leave my children and go? + -

No, all children under 16 years of age must always be accompanied by an adult. There are no monitors to take charge, except in the event that you reserve any of our guided activities with a minimum of 24 hours in advance. If you want to use self-belays it is vitally important that you check that they are properly belayed before you start climbing.

Should you climb with a helmet? + -

La Bauma always recommends the use of a helmet in the Car and Rope area. Prevention is cure, and generating good safety habits in the climbing gym is essential for a good transition on the rock. It is not mandatory for adults, but we encourage everyone to wear it. We still don't understand how the unthinkable in other sports continues to be a topic of controversy in climbing.

Gri-Gri or basket? + -

In the Bauma, the use of any assisted or “semi-automatic” braking system (type Gri-Gri 2) is only permitted. It is true that with good use and technique, a basket or eight can be just as safe, but too often we see bad practices in this regard. If you have questions about its operation, please do not hesitate to ask any of our team for information or to take a safety course.

Who can climb? From what age? + -

Everyone can climb! Regardless of age or physical condition, everyone is welcome at La Bauma. Our team of outfitters is in charge of renewing the routes twice a week so that every time you come to La Bauma you have new challenges adapted to all levels. From initiation to expert level. There is no minimum age to start climbing, but our guided activities are for ages 5 and up.

I'm scared of heights... can I climb? + -

So true! Your discipline is probably Block. In the Block difficulty is rewarded and in just a few meters you will have to give it your all. In case of a fall, you will have a mattress that will cushion you so that you do not hurt yourself. And since we won't climb too high, there is no need for a rope or saddlebag. And if you want to lose your fear, why not try the Car Zone or sign up for a safety course in which we can work on all the mental aspects of climbing. Do you dare to try it?

How do the degrees of difficulty work? + -

In the Block area there are 7 levels of difficulty. You will find a number from 1 to 7 indicated at the beginning of each path. 1 is the easiest level (Initiation) and goes up to 7 (Expert). In the Autos and Corda area, the roads are marked following the French graduation ladder, which is the one used in Catalonia and Europe as a reference. In this case, you will find that the difficulties range from 5th Grade to 8th. Each grade has 3 subgrades (a, b and c), as well as a (+) to adjust the difficulty. As follows, from easy to most difficult (5,5+,6a,6a+,6b,6b+,6c,6c+,7a,7a+,7b,7b+,...). The degrees at La Bauma are indicative. The grading of the tracks is very complex, so we encourage everyone to simply use them as a guiding reference.